04 Pamphlet - Orto Bello
Orto bello: mine, yours, ours.

The garden feeds us, relaxes us, tires us, and makes us think. The garden gives us beauty and oxygen, it tires us, relaxes us, and makes us think.
Of course, one is the place of vegetables, the other is the place of flowers, while the fruit is a bit here and a bit there. But they are not two opposing worlds, because even in the vegetable garden there is beauty, and even the garden in some way nourishes us. On the balconies of the cities, gardens sprout like miniature orchards, while the traditional urban gardens, created in the residual spaces of the suburbs, continue to represent an important source, and sometimes evolve by conquering more central spaces.
Our relationship with nature, which is an eternal source of beauty together with art and humanity, finds in the ‘orto’ and in the garden an area of action and experimentation at hand, where the useful and the delightful, the good and the beautiful are confused and coexist.
It is there that the work, repetitive, stressful, for its own sake, rediscovers its
joy and its meaning, making us more human. On some occasions the garden and vegetable garden become places of art, offering ideas for reflection on ourselves and the relationship with nature. Always, however, gardens and vegetable gardens, countryside based or “in movement”, simple or conceptual, make us feel better, simply.