02 Pamphlet - Gesti Quotidiani

Founded in 2007 by the innovative Italian choreographer Virgilio Sieni, the Academy of Gestural Arts develops an unprecedented program of training for creation based on a continuum of projects that bring together dancers and people of all ages, from kids to elderly. In the Florentine headquarters of Cango and in the territories - Italian and European - in which it operates from time to time, the Academy develops itineraries of approach and deepening of the languages of the body and dance, placing the participants in relationship with nature and art of its territory through the construction of choreographic actions and moments of apprenticeship to the vision accompanied by artists and scholars of different disciplinary fields
Beyond dance, the barriers between professionals and others, between the ‘normal’ and the disabled, public and private, thinning the distance between “performer” and “spectator”, to overcome the limits of the show. For example, the Camminata Popolare of May the 1st. Through the gesture, this civil walk in the streets of Milan makes the citizens protagonists of a sharing on the right to work. Experience that extends to the lessons on the gesture at the Feltrinelli Foundation, “inhabiting the body and the shared space, on the importance and the beauty of the movement that becomes dance”.
source: virgiliosieni.it/come-partecipare