nail polish

Amour Set

The Amour Set is for you, for your lover, for your best friend, for your mum, for your twin, for everyone you love. 

L'amour désigne un sentiment intense d'affection et d'attachement envers un être vivant ou une chose qui pousse ceux qui le ressentent à rechercher une proximité physique, intellectuelle ou même imaginaire avec l'objet de cet amour.

Amóre s. m. [lat. amor -ōris, affine ad amare]. – Sentimento di viva affezione verso una persona che si manifesta come desiderio di procurare il suo bene e di ricercarne la compagnia.


The Amour Set contains:

  • 1 Nail Polish Pesca
  • 1 Nail Polish Terra
  • 1 Nail Polish Chilli
  • 1 Nail Polish India

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Our high-quality nail polishes are toxic-free: without unnecessary or harmful ingredients.

They are vegan, cruelty free - not tested on animals - halal, and 100% made in Italy.

Instructions for use

For a long-lasting manicure make sure the nails are oil free before you apply your nail polish.

Apply two coats for the most flawless color.

Starting from the center of your nail, apply a fine coat from the nail bed to the edge. Repeat for a shiny finish and rich color.

Composition and Care

The exclusive toxic-free formula is formulated without toluene, formaldeide libera, dibutil ftalato, camphor, benzene, xylene, formaldeide resina, trifenil fosfato, ketones, phathalates, polyurethane, petrochemical solvents, polyurethane film-formers, parabens, mercury, lead, FD&C, coal tar, gluten, wheat by-products, aromatic, hydrocarbons.

Size Chart

Find Your Right Fit

We have all different body shapes but luckily the soft sport collection is made of stretch fabric that could adapt to most of the body shapes.

Click to know more about size 1

Click to know more about size 2

Click to know more about size 3

Click to know more about size 4

Click to know more about size 5